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Quarter peals 1959-2024

Peals 1848-2019

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Quarter peals 1959-2024

Quarter Peals at Holy Trinity, Hurstpierpoint 2013 to 2024
Acting Captains:Sue Elrick & John Norris
607Sep 131280 Einsteinium Surprise MajorDavid A.C.Matthewsvisiting band
606Aug 151260 Grandsire DoublesWilliam Stafford
605Jun 61260 Plain Bob DoublesJohn NorrisFirst quarter peal for Oscar Winter
604Nov 121260 Grandsire DoublesWilliam Stafford
603Sep 211260 Plain Bob DoublesJonathan MartinFirst quarter for Sophia Walters
602Sep 71320 Cambridge Surprise MinorDavid Kirkcaldy
601May 61260 Doubles (720 Gr, 540 Pl.Bob)John Norris / Jonathan MartinFor the Coronation
600Apr 11260 Grandsire TriplesDavid KirkcaldyPast and present Hurst ringers
599Feb 91260 Plain Bob DoublesJonathan MartinFirst quarter as conductor. First quarter for Wendy Argent
Captain:William Stafford
598Sep 181260 Plain Bob DoublesWilliam Stafford
597Mar 31260 Doubles (Gr. & Plain Bob)John Norris
Captain:John Norris
596Nov 301288 Grandsire TriplesGill Tomlinsonvisiting band
595Oct 311260 Doubles (Gr. & Plain Bob)William StaffordFirst quarter peal for Ian Mayor-Smith
594Oct 191344 Bristol Surprise MajorSimon EdwardsFirst of Bristol for Rachel Mahoney
593Jun 61287 Grandsire TriplesPaul Wells
592Mar 301344 Plain Bob MajorWilliam StaffordFirst of Major for Josephine Leggett
591Mar 121288 Grandsire TriplesWilliam Stafford
590Jan 141314 Underwood Delight MajorPaul Flavellvisiting Surrey Association band
589Dec 231260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
588Oct 181280 Plain Bob MajorRachel MahoneyFirst of Major as conductor
587Aug 61260 Grandsire TriplesC.A. WatersLilliputters Guild Summer Tour
586Aug 61280 Cambridge Surprise MajorS. EdwardsLilliputters Guild Summer Tour
585Jun 101296 Cambridge Surprise MinorW. Stafford100th quarter for Rachel Mahoney
584Mar 151260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. NorrisFirst quarter peal for Jonathan Martin
583Feb 11260 Stedman TriplesP.J. WellsFirst of Stedman for Alex Martin
582Sep 171260 Grandsire TriplesW. StaffordFirst of Triples as conductor.
581Jun 151260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
580Mar 271260 Grandsire TriplesRachel Mahoney
579Feb 181250 Cambridge Surprise MajorD. KirkcaldyFirst Surprise Major: Rachel Mahoney,
First Cambridge S. Major: William Stafford
578Jan 291260 Plain Bob TriplesD. Kirkcaldyfirst of Triples inside for Alex Martin
577Jan 261260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norrisfirst of Triples for Alex Martin
576Dec 181260 Plain Bob MinorP.J. Wellsfirst of Minor for Alex Martin
575Jun 121260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
574Jun 31260 Doubles (Stedman, Gr. & PB)J.R. Norris
573April 211280 Plain Bob Major)Paul Wellsfirst of Major for William Stafford.
572Mar 31260 Doubles (Gr. & Plain Bob)J.R. Norris
571Jan 241260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norrisfirst quarter for Alex Martin.
570Dec 201260 Plain Bob TriplesD. Kirkcaldyfirst of Triples for Sophie Payne.
569Nov 291288 Grandsire TriplesP.J. Wellsfirst of Triples for Ollie Watson and William Stafford.
568Sept 91260 Grandsire DoublesJ.R. Norrisfirst of Grandsire for William Stafford.
567Aug 61280 Piglet Surprise MajorS.D.G. Webb()visiting band)
566July 211260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norrisfirst of Grandsire 'inside' for Rachel Mahoney.
565May 241260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norrisfirst quarter for Sophie Payne
Captain:Susan M. Elrick
564Dec 211260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norrisfirst 'inside' for Ollie Watson.
563Oct 291260 Grandsire TriplesD. KirkcaldyFirst on 8 for Rachel Mahoney.
562Sept 301280 Double Norwich C.B. MajorJ. Cheesman(visiting band)
561Aug 181280 Spliced Surprise MajorI. Oram
560Jan 311260 Plain Bob DoublesD. KirkcaldyFirst quarter for Rachel Mahoney.
559Dec 281260 Plain Bob DoublesD. KirkcaldyFirst quarter for William Stafford.
558Sept 141259 Grandsire TriplesP.J. Wells
557April 221260 Plain Bob MinorP.J. Wells

Quarter Peals at other towers 2013 to 2019
with significant 'firsts' for Hurst ringers

Apr 121260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. NorrisWickham RingFirst of Triples for Jonathan Martin.
Feb 191260 Grandsire TriplesRachel MahoneySteyningFirst on eight as conductor.
Dec 311250 Yorkshire MajorD. KirkcaldySteyningFirst of TB on 8 for William Stafford
Dec 311260 Stedman TriplesD. KirkcaldyLower BeedingFirst of Stedman for William Stafford
Oct 71260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. NorrisWickham Ringfirst quarter 'inside' for Alex Martin.
Aug 101320 Cambridge MinorD. KirkcaldyWickham Ringfirst of Surprise 'inside' for William Stafford.
Jan 251260 Plain Bob DoublesRachel MahoneyWickham RingFirst quarter as conductor,
Oct 291320 Cambridge MinorD. KirkcaldyWickham Ringfirst of Surprise: William Stafford & Rachel Mahoney.
Aug 151264 Plain Bob MajorD. KirkcaldyHenfieldfirst of Major 'inside' for Rachel Mahoney.
May 261260 Stedman DoublesJ.R. NorrisBell Meadow, WarnhamFirst of Stedman: Rachel Mahoney.
Feb 161260 Plain Bob MinorD. KirkcaldyWickham RingFirst of Minor for William Stafford.
Feb 161260 Plain Bob DoublesD. KirkcaldyKeymerFirst 'inside' for William Stafford
Feb 161260 Plain Bob MinorD. KirkcaldyUpper BeedingFirst of Minor for Ollie Watson & Rachel Mahoney
Feb 1Plain Bob TriplesD. KirkcaldySteyningFirst of Triples inside for Rachel Mahoney
Sept 21260 Plain Bob DoublesD. KirkcaldyWickham RingFirst 'inside' for Rachel Mahoney
Nov 211260 Stedman DoublesJ.R. NorrisWickham RingFirst of Stedman Doubles 'inside' for Sian Maidment
Oct 261260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. NorrisWickham RingFirst quarter for Ollie Watson

Quarter Peals at Holy Trinity, Hurstpierpoint 1959 to 2012
(The list includes a few quarters rung elsewhere by entirely or
substantially Hurst bands. Only those rung on the tower bells of
Holy Trinity are included in the numbering sequence [ LH col ]).
List amended and omissions rectified 30 June 2017

Captain:Susan M. Elrick
556Jun 71260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
555Apr 151260 Doubles (G & PB)J.R. Norris
554Mar 22Cambridge Surprise MajorA.R. Baldock
553Feb 161260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
552Jan 191260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
551Dec 291260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
550Dec 111260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
549Dec 81260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
548Dec 71301 Grandsire TriplesP.J. Franklin
Captain:Dennis R. Elliott
547Nov 171260 Doubles (G & PB)J.R. Norris
546June 161260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
545Feb 121296 Cambridge Surprise MinorAnne Franklin
544Nov 181260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
543Sep 181260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
542June 141312 Hurstpierpoint Delight MajorD.D. Smith
541Apr 211287 Grandsire TriplesP.J. Wells
540Mar 161280 Pudsey Surprise MajorD. Kirkcaldy
--Feb 201500 PBMinor in hand in churchS.J. Beckingham
539Feb 181260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
538Feb 111260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
537Sep 31260 Doubles - 3 methodsJ.R. Norris
536Mar 201250 Rutland Surprise MajorA.R. Baldock
535Jan 221260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
Captain:Susan M. Elrick
534Oct 301260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
533Sep 131260 Plain Bob MinorP.J. Wells
532May 291260 Doubles - 3 methodsP.J. Wells
531Nov 291260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
530Nov 201280 Cambridge Surprise MajorP.J. Franklin
529Nov 11260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
528Oct 141260 Doubles - 3 methodsMarisa Hayes
527Sep 141260 Plain Bob TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
526Aug 231260 Plain Bob MinorP.T. Hurcombe
525Apr 121260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
524Nov 231260 Plain Bob DoublesP.J. Franklin
523Oct 191260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
522Sep 151260 Doubles - 3 methodsJ.R. Norris
521July 111260 Grandsire TriplesP.J. Franklin
520June 151260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
Captain:John R. Norris
519Sep 171260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
518Aug 211260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
517June 291260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
516May 261260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
515May 81260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
514Mar 31280 Lincolnshire Surprise MajorR.J. Hutt(Codgers)
513Oct 211260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
512Oct 71260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
511June 31260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
510Mar 271260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
509Mar 41260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
508Dec 291250 Yorkshire Surprise MajorD. Elphick(visitng band)
507Oct 121260 Plain Bob MinorA.V. Brown
506Sep 31280 Yorkshire Surprise MajorJ. Ingham(visiting band)
505Aug 71260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
504June 121260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
503May 151260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
502Mar 21260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
501Jan 301260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
500Jan 21260 Stedman TriplesP.J. Franklin
499Oct 131260 Plain Bob DoublesP.T. Hurcombe
498Sep 41260 Oxford Bob TriplesR.A. Hutchings(visiting band)
497Sep 11260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
496June 301260 Grandsire DoublesJ.R. Norris
495May 121260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
494Apr 21260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
493Feb 171260 Doubles - 2 methodsP.T. Hurcombe
492Nov 291260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
491Nov 71280 Plain Bob MajorR.A. Hutchings(visiting band)
490Oct 211260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
Captain:Dennis R. Elliott
489Oct 191260 Plain Bob MinorH.F. Pettifer
488Aug 41260 Grandsire TriplesD. Elliott
487June 291260 Grandsire TriplesD. Elliott
486June 81260 Grandsire TriplesD. Elliott
485Apr 91260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
484Oct 61260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R.L. Ingham
483Sep 251260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
482Sep 11260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
481July 41260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
480July 11260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
479Mar 41260 Plain Bob DoublesD. Elliott
478Jan 31260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
477Oct 221260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
476Sep 31259 Grandsire TriplesH.F. Pettifer
475Aug 261260 Spliced Surprise MajorA.C. Malton(visiting band)
474Aug 31260 Doubles - 2 methodsJ.M. Harland
473Dec 11269 Grandsire TriplesD.D. Smith
472Nov 201260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
471Aug 241260 Grandsire TriplesJ.A. Howard
470Aug 151260 Grandsire TriplesG. Francis
469July 151260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
468Dec 291260 Plain Bob MinorS.W. Brown
467Nov 31260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
466Jan 141260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
Captain:Dennis R. Elliott
465Dec 31260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
464Nov 191260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
463Sep 271260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
Captain:Frances P. Gilbert
462May 281260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
461May 81260 Oxford Bob TriplesS.W. Brown
460Feb 191260 St. Simons Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
459Jan 221260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
458Dec 111260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
457Nov 201260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
Captain:Dennis R. Elliott
456Sep 131260 Plain Bob MinorS.W. Brown
455Aug 221280 Cambridge Surprise MajorD. WraightKCACR band
454July 241260 Plain Bob TriplesS.W. Brown
453June 191260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
452June 61260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
451May 11260 Oxford Bob TriplesS.W. Brown
450Feb 61260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
449Sep 291260 Plain Bob TriplesS.W. Brown
448Aug 11260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
447Apr 291260 Plain Bob TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
446Apr 291260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
445Apr 271260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
444Apr 181260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
443Feb 211260 Grandsire TriplesR.M. Cox
442Jan 241260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
441Nov 81273 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
440Oct 251260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
Captain:Peter T. Hurcombe
439Sep 131260 Oxford Bob TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
438July 21260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
437Apr 251260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
436Mar 291260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
435Feb 21260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
434Jan 191260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
433Nov 191260 Doubles - 2 methodsP.T. Hurcombe
432Oct 61260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
431July 71260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
430June 291250 Ospringe Surprise MajorA.J. Sinden(visiting band)
429May 91260 Plain Bob TriplesS.W. Brown
428May 51260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
427Apr 211260 Plain Bob TriplesS.W. Brown
426Mar 31260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
425Feb 31260 Plain Bob MinorS.W. Brown
424Jan 121260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
423Oct 71280 Yorkshire Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
422Sep 161260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
421Aug 281260 Oxford Bob TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
420Aug 191280 Yorkshire Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
419Aug 41260 Oxford Bob TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
418July 151260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
417July 101260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
416June 101250 Yorkshire Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
415Apr 11264 Plain Bob MajorP.T. Hurcombe
414Mar 251260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
413Mar 181260 Erin TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
412Feb 251260 Plain Bob DoublesP.T. Hurcombe
411Feb 41260 Oxford Bob TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
410Jan 281280 Cambridge Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
409Jan 71260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
408Dec 171260 Stedman TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
407Dec 31280 Cambridge Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
406Nov 191260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
405Nov 121273 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
404Nov 51260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
403Oct 221260 Oxford Bob TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
402Aug 61260 Oxford Bob TriplesS.W. Brown
401July 11260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
400June 41280 Superlative Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
399Apr 301260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
398Apr 231260 Plain Bob TriplesS.W. Brown
397Mar 261260 Oxford Bob TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
396Mar 121250 Lincolnshire Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
395Mar 51260 Grandsire TriplesH.W. Brown
394Feb 191344 Rutland Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
393Feb 51344 Plain Bob MajorS.W. Brown
392Jan 151260 Stedman TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
391Jan 11280 Rutland Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
390Nov 131273 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
389July 241260 Oxford Bob TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
388June 191260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
387May 221344 Spliced Surprise Major - 6 methodsJ.A. Howard
386May 11260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
385Apr 241280 Bristol Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
384Apr 101260 Grandsire TriplesH.W. Brown
383Mar 271280 Pudsey Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
382Mar 201280 Spliced Surprise Major - 3 methodsP.T. Hurcombe
381Mar 61260 Stedman TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
380Feb 211280 Superlative Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
379Jan 241260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
378Jan 171250 Spliced Surprise Major - 4 methodsJ.A. Howard
377Dec 271260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
376Dec 201260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
375Dec 131280 Rutland Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
374Nov 81273 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
373Oct 41260 Oxford Bob TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
372Aug 231260 Stedman TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
371July 121260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
370May 241280 Yorkshire Surprise MajorJ.R. Norris
369May 31280 Yorkshire Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
368Apr 261260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
367Apr 191260 Oxford Bob TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
366Apr 51260 Plain Bob TriplesP.H. Dixon
365Mar 151280 Cambridge Surprise MajorP.H. Dixon
364Mar 11260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
363Feb 11260 Oxford Bob TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
362Jan 41260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
361Dec 281250 Yorkshire Surprise MajorM.E. Ovenden
360Nov 231280 Cambridge Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
359Nov 91273 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
358Nov 21260 Stedman TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
357Oct 261260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
356Oct 121260 Plain Bob TriplesS.W. Brown
355Sep 211260 Stedman TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
Captain:Stanley W. Brown
354Aug 71260 Stedman TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
353July 231260 Stedman TriplesPhilip A. Corby
352July 201260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
351Jan 51260 Stedman TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
350Dec 151260 Doubles - 3 methodsH.W. Brown
349Oct 61260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
348Sep 151260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
347Aug 41287 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
346July 71260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
345June 231260 Stedman TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
344June 91260 Doubles - 2 methodsP.T. Hurcombe
343May 81287 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
342May 51320 Plain Bob MinorS.W. Brown
341Apr 211260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
340Apr 71260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
339Mar 271250 Yorkshire Surprise MajorCaroline C. Leary
338Mar 241260 Stedman TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
337Mar 31260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
336Feb 31260 Plain Bob TriplesH.W. Brown
335Jan 61260 Plain Bob DoublesS.L. Brown
334Sep 231260 Cambridge Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
333Sep 161260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
332July 151260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
331July 71260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
330May 311260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
329Apr 221264 Plain Bob MajorJ.R. Norris
328Apr 11260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
327Feb 191260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
326Jan 221260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
325Dec 111260 Plain Bob DoublesS.C. Pitt
324Nov 201260 Plain Bob MinorJ.R. Norris
323Nov 131287 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
322Nov 61260 Doubles - 2 methodsS.W. Brown
321Oct 231260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
320Oct 21260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
319Sep 181260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
318Aug 141260 Doubles - 2 methodsS.L. Brown
317Apr 101260 St. Clements Bob MinorM.E. Ovenden
316Aug 151280 Yorkshire Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
315Aug 11250 Spliced Surprise Major - 2 methodsP.T. Hurcombe
314June 151260 Plain Bob MinorP.T. Hurcombe
313May 231260 Doubles - 2 methodsS.W. Brown
312May 201260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
311May 21260 Plain Bob DoublesA.V. Brown
310Apr 111296 Stedman TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
309Apr 41260 Plain Bob MinorJ.R. Norris
308Jan 171260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
307Jan 101296 Cambridge Surprise MinorS.W. Brown
306Jan 31260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
305Oct 111260 Grandsire DoublesS.W. Brown
304July 291260 Grandsire TriplesA.P. Cannon
303July 261260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
302May 281260 Plain Bob TriplesR.B. Walton
301May 241260 Plain Bob MinorA.V. Brown
300May 141260 Plain Bob TriplesS. Brown
299Apr 121260 Plain Bob MinorA.V. Brown
298Mar 221260 Plain Bob MinorS.W. Brown
297Mar 11260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
296Feb 241260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
295Jan 181260 Grandsire DoublesS.W. Brown
294Jan 41260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
293Nov 161260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
292Oct 191260 Plain Bob DoublesS.L. Brown
291Oct 51260 Plain Bob MinorS.W. Brown
290Sep 211260 Plain Bob MinorS.W. Brown
289Aug 171260 Doubles - 2 methodsS.L. Brown
288July 271260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
287May 151260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
286May 31260 St. Simons DoublesR. Peckham
285Apr 61260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
284Feb 241260 Plain Bob MinorA.V. Brown
283Jan 271260 Plain Bob DoublesS.L. Brown
Captain:Justin P.H. Nelson
282Dec 21260 Doubles - 3 methodsS.W. Brown
281Nov 251260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
280Nov 181296 Cambridge Surprise MinorA.V. Brown
279June 171260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
278June 101260 Plain Bob DoublesA.V. Brown
277June 31260 Grandsire DoublesS.L. Brown
--May 301440 Plain Bob Minor (handbells)J.R. Norris
--May 231440 Plain Bob Minor (handbells)J.R. Norris
276May 71260 Reverse Canterbury P.B. MinorE.L. Macadam
275Apr 151260 Plain Bob MinorA.V. Brown
274Mar 251440 Duke of Norfolk MinorJ.P.H. Nelson
273Feb 251260 Rev Canterbury DoublesS.W.Brown
272Feb 111440 Cambridge Surprise MinorS.W. Brown
--Jan 141259 Grandsire Caters (St.N, B'ton)J. KirkcaldyHurst band
Captain:Peter T. Hurcombe
271Dec 171260 Plain Bob TriplesJ. Kirkcaldy
270Oct 221260 Grandsire DoublesA.V. Brown
269Oct 81280 Lincolnshire Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
268Sep 171280 Cambridge Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
267Sep 91260 Plain Bob TriplesJ.Kirkcaldy
266July 131260 Doubles - 2 methodsP.T. Hurcombe
265June 251260 Grandsire TriplesD.E. House
264June 181280 Plain Bob MajorJ. Kirkcaldy
263June 31260 St. Simons DoublesS.W.Brown
262May 141320 Kent T.B. MinorJ. Kirkcaldy
--Apr 301260 Plain Bob Minor (handbells)J. Kirkcaldy
261Apr 231280 Kent T.B. MajorD. Kirkcaldy
260Apr 161296 Cambridge Surprise MinorM.E. Ovenden
259Apr 91260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
258Apr 21260 Stedman TriplesJ. Kirkcaldy
257Mar 261264 Plain Bob MajorJ. Kirkcaldy
256Feb 121280 Plain Bob MajorM.E. Ovenden
255Feb 51280 London Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe1st local London
254Jan 221344 London Surprise MajorD.E. House
253Dec 181260 Grandsire TriplesD. Kirkcaldy
252Dec 111260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
251Nov 271260 Plain Bob TriplesM.E. Ovenden
250Nov 131260 Stedman TriplesJ. Kirkcaldy
249Oct 161260 Plain Bob MinorM.E. Ovenden
248Oct 21280 Lincolnshire Surprise MajorD. Kirkcaldy
247Sep 251260 Erin TriplesJ. Kirkcaldy
246Sep 181280 Yorkshire Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
245Sep 111260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
244Aug 271260 Doubles - 3 methodsS.W. Brown
243Aug 141260 Plain Bob TriplesS.W. Brown
242July 241260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.P.H. Nelson
241June 191260 Plain Bob MinorM.E. Ovenden
240June 121260 Grandsire DoublesS. & H. Brown
239June 51260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
238May 221260 Stedman TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
237May 81260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
236Apr 241440 Kent T.B. MinorS.W. Brown
235Apr 101260 Lincolnshire Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
234Apr 31440 London Surprise MinorP.T. Hurcombe
233Mar 271260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
232Mar 201250 Cambridge Surprise MajorJ. Kirkcaldy
231Feb 271260 Plain Bob TriplesD. Kirkcaldy
230Jan 231250 Yorkshire Surprise MajorJ. Kirkcaldy
Captain:Harry W. Brown
229Jan 161260 Doubles - 3 methodsJ. Kirkcaldy
228Jan 91264 Plain Bob MajorP.T. Hurcombe
227Dec 261280 Plain Bob MajorJ. Kirkcaldy
226Dec 191296 Cambridge Surprise MinorD. Kirkcaldy
--Dec 171260 Doubles - 2 methods (Twineham)H.W. Brown(Hurst band)
225Dec 51260 Plain Bob MinorJ. Kirkcaldy
224Nov 281260 Doubles - 3 methodsH.W. Brown
223Nov 141260 Stedman TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
222Nov 71260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
221Oct 241260 Doubles - 3 methodsJ.P.H. Nelson
220Oct 171260 Plain Bob TriplesJ. Kirkcaldy
219Oct 101260 Grandsire TriplesD. Kirkcaldy
218Sep 191316 Grandsire TriplesJ. Kirkcaldy
217Sep 121280 Cambridge Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
216Sep 51260 Doubles - 2 methodsJ.P.H. Nelson
215Aug 221260 Reverse Cant. PB DoublesH.W. Brown
214Aug 151260 Grandsire DoublesJ.P.H. Nelson
213Aug 81260 Plain Bob MinorS.W. Brown
212Aug 11296 Cambridge Surprise MinorP.T. Hurcombe
211July 251296 Kent Treble Bob MinorJ. Kirkcaldy
210June 121260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
209May 251264 Plain Bob MajorP.T. Hurcombe
208May 231260 Plain Bob TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
207May 221260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
206May 161264 Plain Bob MajorP.T. Hurcombe
205May 91260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
204Apr 251260 Stedman DoublesH.W. Brown
203Mar 281273 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
202Mar 211260 Plain Bob MinorP.T. Hurcombe
201Mar 141260 Plain Bob MinorJ. Kirkcaldy
200Mar 71260 Plain Bob TriplesS.W. Brown
199Feb 221260 Plain Bob MinorJ.P.H. Nelson
198Feb 151260 Plain Bob DoublesM.E. Ovenden
197Feb 81260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
196Jan 181260 Plain Bob MinorJ. Kirkcaldy
195Jan 41264 Plain Bob MajorP.D. Hepburn
194Dec 281280 Lincolnshire Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
193Dec 211260 Plain Bob DoublesJ. Kirkcaldy
192Dec 161260 Plain Bob DoublesD. Kirkcaldy
191Dec 141260 Plain Bob MinorS.W. Brown
190Dec 71260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.P.H. Nelson
189Nov 231260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
188Nov 161296 Cambridge Surprise MinorP.T. Hurcombe
187Nov 91260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
186Oct 191280 Plain Bob MajorP.T. Hurcombe
185Oct 51264 Plain Bob MajorP.T. Hurcombe
184Sep 281260 Plain Bob MinorJ.R. Norris
183Sep 211316 Grandsire TriplesJ. Kirkcaldy
182Sep 141260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
181Aug 31260 Grandsire TriplesD. Kirkcaldy
180July 271260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
179July 201280 Yorkshire Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
178June 151320 Plain Bob MinorJ. Kirkcaldy
177June 11260 Grandsire DoublesP.T. Hurcombe
176May 251260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
175May 221260 Doubles - 2 methodsJ.R. Norris
174May 181260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
173May 81260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
172Apr 131260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
171Mar 301316 Grandsire TriplesJ. Kirkcaldy
170Mar 231260 Grandsire TriplesD. Kirkcaldy
169Mar 161260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
168Feb 231260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
167Feb 161260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
Captain:John R. Norris
166Dec 151272 Kent Treble Bob MinorS.W. Brown
165Nov 101260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
164Oct 61260 Plain Bob TriplesP.D. Hepburn
163Oct 31280 Cambridge Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
162Feb 171260 Grandsire TriplesP.T. Hurcombe
161Jan 131260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
160Nov 181440 Plain Bob MinorJ.P.H. Nelson
159Oct 281260 Plain Bob DoublesP.T. Hurcombe
158Oct 141260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
157Oct 71280 Lincolnshire Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
156Sep 161280 Bristol Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe1st local Bristol
155Aug 191280 Cambridge Surprise MajorP.T. Hurcombe
154Aug 51260 Doubles - 3 methodsP.T. Hurcombe
153July 151260 Grandsire TriplesH.W. Brown
152June 71296 Cambridge Surprise MinorP.T. Hurcombe
--May 311260 Doubles - 2 methods (Bolney)D. Kirkcaldy
151May 271260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
150Apr 291260 Reverse Cant. Pleasure Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
149Apr 221260 Grandsire TriplesH.W. Brown
148Apr 151260 Grandsire TriplesJ. Kirkcaldy
147Apr 151260 Grandsire TriplesD. Kirkcaldy
146Mar 111260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
145Feb 181260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
144Jan 211260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
143Nov 121260 Doubles - 6 methodsH.W. Brown
142Oct 291260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.P.H. Nelson
141Oct 151320 Cambridge Surprise MinorP.D. Hepburn
140Oct 51264 Plain Bob MajorJ. Kirkcaldy
139Sep 171260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
138Aug 201260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
137July 301440 Plain Bob MinorD. Kirkcaldy
136June 51280 Plain Bob MajorS.W. Brown
135May 281260 Stedman DoublesJ. Kirkcaldy
134May 211260 Stedman Triples (4 firsts)J.R. Norris1st local Stedman Triples
--Apr 231260 Plain Bob Royal (St.N, B'ton)P.D. Hepburn1st local Royal
133Mar 281260 Grandsire TriplesH.W. Brown
132Mar 51260 Grandsire TriplesH.W. Brown
--Mar 41260 Grandsire Triples (Buxted)J. Kirkcaldy(mainly Hurst band)
131Jan 161260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
130Nov 211264 Plain Bob MajorJ.R. Norris
129Nov 41260 Grandsire TriplesH.W. Brown
128Oct 311260 Grandsire TriplesJ.N. Lambert
127Oct 171280 Yorkshire Surprise Major (5 firsts)P.D. Hepburn1st local YSM
126Oct 31296 Treble Bob Minor - 3 methodsJ. Kirkcaldy
125Aug 221260 Grandsire TriplesD. Kirkcaldy
--Aug 201260 Grandsire Triples (Bolney)P.T. Hurcombe(Hurst band)
124Aug 151264 Plain Bob MajorP.T. Hurcombe
123Aug 11296 Cambridge Surprise MinorP.T. Hurcombe
122July 311280 Cambridge Surprise MajorM.J. Bew
121July 251260 Plain Bob MinorJ. Kirkcaldy
120June 61280 Kent Treble Bob Major (7 firsts)S.W. Brown
119Apr 111250 Cambridge Surprise MajorP.D. Hepburn
118Apr 41280 Cambridge Surprise Major (6 firsts)J.R. Norris1st local SMaj
117Feb 211280 Plain Bob MajorP.D. Hepburn
116Feb 71264 Plain Bob MajorJ.R. Norris
115Jan 171440 Cambridge Surprise MinorP.T. Hurcombe
114Jan 101260 Grandsire TriplesH.W. Brown
113Dec 201260 Grandsire TriplesJ.N. Lambert
112Nov 81260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
111Nov 11260 Oxford Bob TriplesS.W. Brown
--Oct 181259 Grandsire Caters (St.N., B'ton)J.R. Norris1st local Caters
--Aug 211260 Plain Bob Doubles (at Milland)J.R. Norris(Hurst band)
110June 211260 Grandsire TriplesD. Kirkcaldy
--May 241440 Plain Bob Minor (handbells)P.D. Hepburn
109May 171260 Grandsire TriplesH.W. Brown
108May 71344 Plain Bob MajorJ.R. Norris
107Apr 51344 Plain Bob MajorJ.N. Lambert
106Mar 291260 Grandsire TriplesJ. Kirkcaldy
105Mar 221272 Kent Treble Bob MinorS.W. Brown
104Mar 11440 Cambridge Surprise MinorP.D. Hepburn
103Feb 11344 Plain Bob MajorJ.R. Norris
102Dec 281264 Plain Bob MajorJ. Kirkcaldy
--Dec 221440 Plain Bob Minor (handbells)P.D. Hepburn
101Nov 91260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
100Nov 21260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
099Oct 261260 Plain Bob MinorS.W. Brown
098Oct 191440 Cambridge Surprise MinorJ.R. Norris1st local Surprise
097July 201264 Plain Bob MajorJ.R. Norris
096June 151260 Grandsire TriplesP.D. Hepburn
095May 251264 Plain Bob MajorJ.R. Norris
094May 181260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
093Apr 201264 Plain Bob MajorS.W. Brown1st local Major
092Mar 301260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
091Feb 21260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
Captains:Harry W. & Stanley W. Brown
090Jan 191260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
089Dec 291260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
088Dec 221260 Plain Bob DoublesP.D. Hepburn
087Dec 151260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
086Dec 11260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
085Nov 171440 Kent Treble Bob MinorJ.R. Norris
084Oct 61968 Plain Bob Minor (comp. by Walter Small)S.W. Brown(date touch)
083Sep 221260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
082Aug 181260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
081July 211260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
080June 91440 Plain Bob MinorP.D. Hepburn
079June 21440 Plain Bob MinorJ.R. Norris
078May 191260 Plain Bob DoublesP.D. Hepburn
077Feb 111260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
076Dec 171260 Doubles - 7 methodsH.W. Brown
075Dec 31272 Kent Treble Bob MinorS.W. Brown
074Nov 191260 Plain Bob MinorS.W. Brown
073Nov 121260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
072Nov 51260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
071Oct 71260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
070Sep 171260 Grandsire Triples (comp. from Holt's Orig)J.R. Norris
069July 231344 Plain Bob MajorJ.R. Norris
068June 291260 Reverse Cant. Pleasure Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
067June 181260 Plain Bob MinorS.W. Brown
066May 141260 St. Martins Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
065Jan 221260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
064Nov 201260 Grandsire Triples (comp. from Holt's Orig)J.R. Norris
063Oct 21260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
062Sep 251260 Grandsire Triples (comp. from Holt's Orig)J.R. Norris
061Sep 181260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
060June 51260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
059May 291260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
058Mar 131260 Plain Bob TriplesS.W. Brown
057Dec 191260 Reverse Cant. Pleasure Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
056Oct 241260 Stedman DoublesJ.R. Norris
055Oct 171260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
054Oct 31260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
053Sep 121260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
052June 61260 Plain Bob MinorJ.R. Norris
051May 231260 Grandsire DoublesS.W. Brown
050Mar 281260 Grandsire DoublesS.W. Brown
049Feb 211260 Grandsire Triples (comp. from Holt's Orig)J.R. Norris
048Jan 241260 Grandsire DoublesS.W. Brown
047Aug 301260 Doubles - 3 methodsS.W. Brown
046Aug 91260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
045July 191260 Doubles - 5 methodsH.W. Brown
044June 281260 Reverse Cant. Pleasure Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
043May 241260 Grandsire DoublesS.W. Brown
042Mar 151260 Grandsire DoublesS.W. Brown
041Feb 91260 Stedman TriplesW.A. Riddington
040Feb 21260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
039Dec 221260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
038Nov 171296 Cambridge Surprise MinorS.W. Brown
037Sep 221260 Grandsire TriplesJ.R. Norris
036June 231260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
035June 91260 Stedman DoublesJ.R. Norris
034June 21260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
033May 121260 Reverse Cant. Pleasure Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
032Sep 231260 Doubles - 2 methodsS.W. Brown
031Sep 161260 Stedman DoublesJ.R. Norris
030Aug 261260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
029Aug 121260 Doubles - 3 methodsH.W. Brown
028June 171260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
027June 101260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
026June 31260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
025Mar 251260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
024Feb 41260 Grandsire TriplesS.W. Brown
023Jan 211260 Plain Bob MinorS.W. Brown
022Dec 31260 Plain Bob MinorS.W. Brown
021Oct 11260 Grandsire DoublesM.C. Wooldridge
020June 271260 Plain Bob DoublesJ.R. Norris
019May 281260 Grandsire DoublesS.W. Brown
018May 111260 Plain Bob DoyblesS.W. Brown
017May 71260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
016Apr 61260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
015Nov 131260 Doubles - 2 methodsH.W. Brown
014Nov 31260 Grandsire Doubles H.W. Brown
013Oct 301260 Reverse Cant. Pleasure Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
012Sep 251260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
011June 191260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown
010May 61260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
009Mar 61260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
008Feb 201260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
007Nov 151260 Grandsire DoublesS.W. Brown
006Sep 31260 Grandsire DoublesS.W. Brown
005Aug 221260 Grandsire TriplesF. Godsmark
004Apr 261260 Plain Bob DoublesH.W. Brown
003Mar 221260 Plain Bob DoublesS.W. Brown
002Feb 221260 Grandsire TriplesF. Godsmark
001Jan 111260 Grandsire DoublesH.W. Brown1st local qtr for many yrs

Peals 1848-2019

Peals rung at Holy Trinity, Hurstpierpoint 1848 to 2019

2019 Sep 7 Yorkshire Surprise Major
2018 Oct 25 Plain Bob Major
2017 Nov 3 London Surprise Major
2015 May 16 Plain Bob Triples
2013 July 20 Bognor Beach Sandcastle Delight Major
2013 Apr 27 Hurstpierpoint Delight Major
2010 Oct 5 Yass Surprise Major
2009 Mar 31 Plain Bob Major
2008 Nov 15 8 Spliced Surprise Major
2007 Jan 27 Yorkshire Surprise Major
2005 Oct 21 Grandsire Triples
2004 Apr 26 Stedman Triples
2003 Mar 29 Yorkshire Surprise Major
2001 Apr 5 Superlative Surprise Major
1999 June 19 Rutland Surprise Major
1998 May 16 Holbeach Surprise Major
1997 Sep 11 Grandsire Triples
1988 Aug 13 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1986 Dec 6 Grandsire Triples
1985 Oct 29 Cambridge Surprise Major
1982 June 23 Grandsire Triples
1979 Sep 15 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1978 Mar 2 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1977 June 7 Cambridge Surprise Major
1976 May 29 Plain Bob Triples
1975 Oct 25 Plain Bob Major
1974 Mar 1 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1973 Nov 14 Yorkshire Surprise Major
1972 Nov 20 Cambridge Surprise Major
1969 Sep 27 Plain Bob Major
1966 Nov 6 Plain Bob Major
1948 Oct 20 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
1948 Jan 21 Cambridge Surprise Major
1931 Aug 22 Grandsire Triples
1931 Aug 5 Stedman Triples
1930 Nov 19 Cambridge Superlative Major
1930 June 4 Stedman Triples
1929 Aug 7 Superlative Surprise Major
1929 Jan 23 Stedman Triples
1928 Aug 8 Stedman Triples
1928 May 23 Stedman Triples
1927 Aug 3 Stedman Triples
1924 Feb 18 Superlative Surprise Major
1924 Aug 13 Stedman Triples
1923 Oct 17 Stedman Triples
1923 June 26 Stedman Triples
1922 Sep 20 Plain Bob Major
1922 Aug 16 Cambridge Surprise Major
1922 May 24 Stedman Triples
1921 Dec 26 Stedman Triples
1921 Sep 28 Stedman Triples
1921 Aug 3 Stedman Triples
1921 June 29 Cambridge Surprise Major
1921 May 11 Stedman Triples
1920 Aug 4 Superlative Surprise Major
1920 June 23 Stedman Triples
1920 May 19 Plain Bob Major
1919 Nov 19 Grandsire Triples
1919 Aug 13 Stedman Triples
1914 May 13 Superlative Surprise Major
1913 July 30 Stedman Triples
1913 Mar 12 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
1912 Dec 18 Stedman Triples
1912 July 17 Stedman Triples
1912 May 27 Grandsire Triples
1912 Apr 8 Grandsire Triples
1911 Nov 1 Grandsire Triples
1911 June 5 Stedman Triples
1911 May 24 Grandsire Triples
1910 Sep 21 Stedman Triples
1910 Aug 18 Stedman Triples
1910 July 16 Stedman Triples
1909 Nov 6 Double Norwich Court Bob Major
1909 Sep 6 Stedman Triples
1909 Aug 4 Stedman Triples
1909 May 19 Grandsire Triples
1909 May 15 Kent Treble Bob Major
1908 Sep 5 Kent Treble Bob Major
1907 Nov 18 Grandsire Triples
1907 Mar 20 Grandsire Triples
1905 Nov 15 Grandsire Triples
1905 Oct 26 London Surprise Major
1904 Nov 9 London Surprise Major
1903 Sep 24 Stedman Triples
1903 Jan 29 Grandsire Triples
1901 Dec 27 Superlative Surprise Major
1900 Dec 18 Stedman Triples
1900 Dec 1 London Surprise Major
1900 May 5 London Surprise Major
1900 Mar 17 Grandsire Triples
1900 Jan 27 Stedman Triples
1899 Feb 18 London Surprise Major
1898 Dec 6 Norfolk Surprise Major
1894 Nov 23 Superlative Surprise Major
1890 Jan 23 Grandsire Doubles
1888 Dec 20 Stedman Triples
1884 Feb 6 Grandsire Triples
1881 July 23 Grandsire Triples
1848 Feb 3 Grandsire Triples

Past events

New Year's Eve 2014
Sadly, for the second year running we had insufficient ringers available to ring out the old year and ring in the new.
Hopefully next December we will be able to resume the ancient tradition, which until 2013 we hadn't missed at Hurst for at least fifty years.
If you think you might be interested in learning to ring and swelling our numbers why not visit the belfry on a Thursday evening (7.00 to 8.45) to see what goes on? Perhaps you might be ready to join us next year

Quarter Peal for Carol Service, 2014
Three dedicated youngsters, William, Ollie and Rachel, took part in a quarter peal of Plain Bob Doubles rung for the Carol Service on 21st December. This was the first quarter Ollie had rung on tower bells. The other three members of the band were John, Ann and Sue - Captain, Vice Captain & ex Captain respectively. They have turned out regularly to instruct, coach and encourage the youngsters to the point where they were sufficiently competent for all three to ring in the same quarter. They rose to the occasion very well.
Sussex County Association
Sunday, 21 December 2014 in 45 minutes
1260 Plain Bob Doubles
1: Ann Langley
2: Ollie Watson
3: Rachel Mahoney
4: Sue Elrick
5: John Norris (Conductor)
6: William Stafford
First quarter inside and first on tower bells: 2.
For Carol Service

Visitors in 2014
Visiting ringers in recent months have included ringers from Basingstoke and two groups from Sussex, who rang a quarter peal of Spliced Surprise Major on August 18th and Double Norwich Court Bob Major on September 30th.

Quarter Peal for Rachel
On October 29th David Kirkcaldy, who learnt to ring at Hurst and is now tower captain at Steyning, organised and conducted a quarter peal of Grandsire Triples at Hurst to give Rachel Mahoney, one of our new young ringers, the opportunity to ring her first quarter peal on eight bells:-

Sussex County Association
Wednesday 29th October in 45 minutes:
1260 Grandsire Triples
Treble: Rachel Mahoney
2: David House
3: Margaret Oram
4: Emma Gadd
5: Ian Vaughan
6: David Kirkcaldy (Conductor)
7: Mike Peate
Tenor: Nick Walsh
First quarter on 8 for the treble ringer

By all accounts Rachel rang very well. Well done Rachel.

Association Ringing Course, 2014
On 31st October & 1st November we were one of the host towers for the annual ringing course organised by the Sussex County Association of Change Ringers.

AGM, 2014
On 12th November we held our AGM, with the Revd. Jane Willis, our new priest in charge, in the chair. We thanked Sue Elrick, our retiring captain, for her years of dedicated service and elected John Norris to succeed her. Likening himself to a decaying bonfire John expressed that the hope that with a bit of poking and raking up of unburnt wood he might manage a brief stint of rekindled enthusiasm. In the medium and long term we need more ringers in their 30s or 40s able to take forward the leadership of the band.

Belfry Spring Clean, 2014
On 29th November we carried out a long overdue ‘spring clean’ of the tower, from the bell chamber to the ground floor. We collected 25lb (11kg) of stone dust and general grime.

Ringing Outing 2014
by William Stafford

At 8:00 AM on the 14th June the bell ringers left on a 1 hour 30 minute journey to the town of Headcorn in Kent. It was a beautiful Town and the church, dedicated to St. Nicholas, had a ring of 8 lovely bells. We then went on to the village of Charing, home to the Archbishop of Canterbury's old Palace. The Church there had one of the tallest spires I had ever seen for a Village church. The 6 bells there were not as nice as Headcorn but we still had a good ring. After that we arrived at the halfway point, the town of Tenterden, where the 8 bells there were some of the biggest ones I'd ever seen. The Tenor required 2 people to get it up and they had to stand on a box which was up to my shoulders. But the bells there were very nice though and afterwards I had a very nice lunch.

Next up was the isolated village of Wittersham; there weren't any tearooms but luckily the flower show was on, so the non-ringers had something to do. The ring of 8 bells there sounded very nice but were not as nice to handle. Last but not least was the town of Rye with its Church tower being open to the Public until 5:00pm allowing them to see the whole of Rye from the top of the Tower. The ring of 8 there was not half bad, they had a lovely tone.

After this last ring we all gathered together again - ringers and non-ringers and ate dinner all together before we went back home to Hurstpierpoint. I enjoyed that day a lot and I will be going on many outings in the Future!

William has been ringing at Holy Trinity for the past 2 years and is making very good progress. It was a pleasure to see him flourish and have the confidence to ring all the different bells on the Outing. Sue Elrick, Tower Captain

A GRAND DAY OUT (Ringing Outing 2010)
by Mel and Lindsay from Hurstpierpoint

Saturday the 19th of June 2010 was the date of our first bell ringing outing and as we are new ringers we had not had the pleasure of attending one before. It was beautifully arranged by our skip Dennis Elliott and was executed in the same calm organised manner in which he keeps us under control whist ringing the bells in our tower in Hurst. We were all told not to be late 7.45am was the allocated time of departure for ringers and non ringers who were joining us. The coach would wait for no one! It was clear that outing veterans arrive 30 minutes before the coach leaves, those of us who were on time appeared to be late!

Nigel was to be our coach driver for the day and he soon had us speeding up the M23 towards our first destination, St Mary Virgin at Chieveley, where we received a cup of coffee and a very warm welcome (we were all very warm, in fact, as the heating on the coach had gone into overdrive and roasted us - quite literally!). We were called to climb the wooden spiral staircase to the tower for the first of the day's ringing sessions. Dennis informed us that we were to be ringing rounds and all new bell ringers were to grab hold, we duly did and all eight bells rang with us new ringers feeling proud as the sound drifted from the tower to the surrounding countryside. Gone were all our nerves and we pulled together, new and old hands alike, to ring.

A lesson from Dennis

Click image to magnify it


We gingerly got back onto the coach having taken a few layers of clothing off. Luckily, nifty Nigel had rectified the dodgy air conditioning. St Mary Virgin at Kintbury was very pretty with a lovely painted ceiling. All non ringers got off the coach and had a look around the church and then found a baker's which sold Lardy Cake. This proved to be very popular and the bakers soon sold out! It become obvious when we were all seated back on the coach that one person in particular had managed to secure a large quantity of the said cake. We won't mention any names as I think this person knows who he is! Peter then proceeded to squirrel it away at the back of the luggage rack. Oops sorry Peter!

Girls on tour, 2010

Click image to magnify it


Our final stop of the morning was to be our lunch break, in Hungerford, and the church of St Lawrence, nestled alongside the Kennet and Avon canal. These bells proved to be the nicest of the morning, and we all enjoyed ringing them very much. Our very competent band of professional ringers rang various methods and it sounded really rather lovely. Some of us naively thought that "make your own arrangements for lunch" meant bring a packed lunch. It soon became clear that to some of the old hands this in fact translated to head to the nearest pub. The rest of us sat by the canal with our sarnies and admired the passing narrow boats and swing bridge.

We were told to meet in Hungerford high street at 2pm sharp for our trip on the coach to St Michaels at Lambourn. This also proved to be another really lovely church and some excellent ringing was achieved by both novices and professionals alike. The ever efficient Dennis ushered all the ringers off the coach as the schedule was tight.

The penultimate stop was St Mary's at Speen, which had a complement of only six bells. These, however, were strangely spaced causing Mel to lead from the No.2 bell. An interesting an unexpected method followed. We were joined here by some more very good ringers who were all able to ring perfectly straight away, something us novices aspire to being able to do!

Our last church of the day was St Nicholas in Newbury, which had 10 bells. This was obviously a great thrill, and the experienced ringers amongst us became very animated. The less experienced looked pensive, their anxiety rising as Caters were mentioned. We all had a go at ringing rounds and Lindsay came into her own again being able to ring one of the heavy bells at the back. Then the professionals took over and treated us to Grandsire Caters which sounded wonderful and was a perfect end to our bell ringing.

Our day was not yet over as we motored onto The Spring for a lovely three course meal and a welcome drink or two. All now relaxed and exhausted from a very long, tiring, but enjoyable day, most of us fell into a sleepy state and let Nigel have some peace and quiet on our homeward journey.

All in all a splendid first outing for us new bell ringers and expertly organised by Dennis and Sue. A TRULY GRAND DAY OUT.

Some of us

Click image to magnify it


Post Script

Thank you to the following for their contributions to the day:-

Joyce and David for their words of encouragement, steadying influence and David's cheeky smile.
John for trying to show us women ringers at their best, only to be let down!
Maureen for having a go!
Michelle and Tony for their courage in ringing any bell offered to them.

Chris for his witty comments and comic timing.
Dennis for his kindness and unwavering confidence in his band.



Revd John Greene

Dennis Elliott

Harry Brown

Tony Humphrey

Revd John Greene

Rev. John Greene

It is with great sadness that we report the death of our friend and fellow ringer, Revd John H Greene, on 16th February 2012, aged 89, following a long period of illness.

John first came to Sussex in 1962, when he was Vicar of Lodsworth and Rector of Selham. In 1969 he moved to Burwash as Rector and in1976 became Rural Dean of Petworth, Priest in charge of Egdean and subsequently Rector of Egdean.

John became a bellringer whilst he was at Lodsworth. During his time there, he instigated the augmentation from 4 to 6 bells and became an enthusiastic keen bell ringer. To his credit, he was elected to the Society of Royal Cumberland Youths in 1972 for whom he rang 3 peals. He also rang a further 25 peals and many quarter peals. John came to Hurstpierpoint from Petworth in 1988, following his retirement.

In Hurstpierpoint, he was much loved by Parishioners, for whom he was Assistant Priest; he also conducted services during several interregna.

He was a practical man and enjoyed creative woodwork amongst his various hobbies, making many fine articles, including church stools, chess sets and of course the handrail round the spiral staircase to the belfry. His presence and ringing skills were much appreciated in the belfry, where he rang 53 quarter peals, ranging from Plain Bob Doubles to Cambridge Surprise Major.

Although John had been ill for some time and unable to get out into the Village, his smiling face and sense of humour, his kind words and soothing voice, will be remembered by many. Our heartfelt sympathies go to his widow Lois and to his family. May he rest in peace.

The funeral service was held on Tuesday 28th February at 11.00am at Holy Trinity Hurstpierpoint with open ringing before and after the service.


A quarter peal in memory of our dear friend and fellow ringer the Revd John Howe Green, who died 16th February 2012. Formerly Vicar of Lodsworth, Rector of Selham and Burwash, Rural Dean of Petworth, and rector of Egdean, he retired to Hurstpierpoint in 1981.

Thursday 22 March 2012 in 47 minutes:
1250 changes of Cambridge Surprise Major

Treble: Susan M Elrick
2: David Kirkcaldy
3: P Jonathan Franklin
4: Hamish M MacNaughton
5: Geoffrey C Rix
6: John R Norris
7: Peter T Hurcombe
Tenor: Alan R Baldock (Conductor)

Dennis Elliott


With the passing of Dennis Elliott on 24th November 2011, the village of Hurstpierpoint lost one of its most gifted and popular residents. Dennis excelled in a number of fields, any one of which could fill the space allocated to this tribute. It is therefore only possible to give but a brief outline in this obituary, but this in no way belittles his many achievements.

Dennis was born in Stratford Mortimer, Berkshire on 3rd February 1939. During his formative years, during which he attended Forest Grammar school, he joined a number of church activities including the choir and ringing with his family on the eight bells. He became a member of the Scout troop (eventually becoming a Queen‘s Scout), learned the piano, and taught himself to play the church organ, a pleasure which remained with him for the rest of his life. At this time also, he learned to play the cornet in the local Brass Band, and progressed in a number of bands before being called up. He joined the RAF and was posted to RAF Locking at Weston Super Mare, where in addition to his camp duties, he joined the RAF Military Band. Such was his ability that later in his musical career he played in the National Brass Band Area finals at The Royal Albert Hall with the Tadley Silver Band — and won!

On demob. from the RAF, Dennis rejoined the Trustee Savings Bank in Reading, and rose through the ranks to senior management. He showed a particular interest and aptitude in computers and when given the opportunity, he transferred to the developing IT section. He was promoted to a position in Crawley, and moved to Gossops Green. Whilst here, he continued with his musical interests, becoming a local organist and choirmaster for several years, (there being no bells in this church) and became the Musical Director of the Horsham Brass Band. Such was his commitment and enthusiasm that his wife Heather was heard to say (much later) ”I‘m fed up with the three Bs! Banking, Bellringing, and BlŒy Brass Bands!

In 1986, Dennis was promoted to head the new Computer Department at LloydsTSB in Brighton, and moved to Hurstpierpoint. He entered into village life with his usual enthusiasm, playing the organ for church services when required, helping with handbell ringing in the village, and accompanying and conducting several singing groups particularly at Christmas time. He became Treasurer of the Girl Guides for many years, and it was a particularly proud moment for him when he was presented with a County award for outstanding service a few weeks before his death.

He soon joined the local ringing band, steadily progressing to ring most methods up to and including Cambridge, and to develop a love of Stedman which he enjoyed calling. He helped to organise the annual Hurst Outing which became a firm village favourite, and took over this task in 2002 until earlier this year. He also became Deputy Tower Captain, and then Captain, a position which he held until his death. Dennis loved good striking, and would not tolerate sloppy ringing. He taught a number of new ringers recently, and they are progressing well — a credit to his memory.

Dennis was also a trains fanatic. He had model trains everywhere! He had a full size layout in his garage, for which he used another of his talents, model making, in creating a scale model of the old Mortimer station, and he mounted his collection of trains each in its own showcase.

But multi-talented as he was, Dennis was much more than this. He was first and foremost a family man. He was married to Heather for nearly 45 years, and had two children, and two grandchildren on whom he doted. His world fell apart when he lost firstly his daughter Sue, and then Heather both with cancer. It says so much for his faith that he was able to carry on so fully, and be such an inspiration to us all. Then, on top of this, he learned some two years ago that he too had abdominal cancer. In true Dennis fashion, he accepted the inevitable, continuing with his life as normal, and extending the prognosis by over a year. It was whilst on holiday with his cousins, Wendy and Chris Johnson that he became very ill, and was taken into the Royal Berkshire Hospital. He was transferred to the Royal Marsden Hospital in Chelsea, and eventually to the local hospitals here. He died peacefully in his sleep at the St Peter and St James Hospice, Wivelsfield.

Dennis was a warm and wonderful friend to many, myself in particular. We spent many happy hours together, and he helped me more than I can say in so many ways. Our sympathies go to Andy, Lisa, Lewis and Jamie, and to other members of his family.

May he rest in peace, and rise in Glory.

Peter T. Hurcombe

The following quarter peals were rung to commemorate his life

  Wednesday 7 December 2011 in 47 minutes:
1301 changes of Grandsire Triples

Treble: Sian L Maidment
2: Christopher E Pitt
3: Frances P Gilbert
4: Susan M Elrick
5: David Kircaldy
6: John R Norris
7: P Jonathan Franklin (Conductor)
Tenor: Christopher J Johnson (Ox. DG)

Thursday 8 December 2011 in 46 minutes:
1260 changes of Plain Bob Doubles

Treble: Sian L Maidment
2: Ann Langley
3: Susan M Elrick
4: Marisa Hayes
5: John R Norris (Conductor)
Tenor: Clare Boyling


Sunday 11 December 2011 in 44 minutes:
1260 changes of Plain Bob Doubles

Treble: Melanie Broad
2: Clare Boyling *
3: Frances P Glibert
4: Susan M Elrick
5: John R Norris (Conductor)
Tenor: Christopher E Pitt
* First of Bob Doubles inside

Thursday 8 December 2011 in 43 minutes:
1260 changes of Plain Bob Doubles

Treble: Lindsay A Smith
2: Sian L Maidment
3: Frances Gilbert
4: Susan M Elrick
5: John R Norris (Conductor)
Tenor: Clare Boyling


Thursday 19 January 2012 in 42 minutes:
1260 changes of Plain Bob Doubles

Treble: Michelle A Green *
2: Sian L Maidment
3: Frances Gilbert
4: Susan M Elrick
5: John R Norris (Conductor)
Tenor: Clare Boyling
* First Quarter on tower bells

Thursday 16th February
1260 changes of Plain Bob Doubles

Treble: Anthony J Kenyon *
2: Sian L Maidment
3: Frances Gilbert
4: Susan M Elrick
5: John R Norris (Conductor)
Tenor: Clare Boyling
* First Quarter, first attempt.

Harry Wyatt Brown 1923 - 2009

Harry & Stan

"I'm sorry, there's a waiting list". With these words Harry greeted the writer's offer to save the world when in a flush of enthusiasm almost fifty years ago he arrived uninvited on the doorstep and said "I want to learn to ring". Harry and the writer chuckled about the incident in later years, for many present day captains would think twice before saying anything to deter, however slightly, an apparently willing volunteer. Harry of course was absolutely right — a short delay would be no deterrent to genuine enthusiasm — and there was indeed a waiting list. Harry and his identical twin brother Stan had recently been appointed tower captains at Hurstpierpoint and the enthusiasm and commitment that they brought to everything they did was revitalising the band, as they had previously done at Aldrington and were later to do at Bolney.

Harry, and Stan who died in 1997, were born at Portslade on 11th October 1923 and joined the Post Office Engineering Department as Youths in Training on 30th December 1940. They were introduced to the mysteries of change ringing during their wartime RAF service as radar mechanics in Sri Lanka by another enthusiast, Peter 'Lofty' Bond, who explained methods to them by drawing the patterns in the sand. When they returned home to Aldrington they were soon at the tower door and had their first tied bell lesson, from tower captain George Steele, on 27th June 1946. They were apt pupils and Harry scored his first peal, Plain Bob Major on the back eight at St Peter's, Brighton, on 17th April 1948, some months ahead of Stan's first, as befits an older brother (albeit by just twenty minutes!). Harry long remembered the embarrassment caused by his much blistered hands when he went socialising that evening.

The twins were elected joint vice captains at Aldrington in 1948 and joint captains in 1950. They were by then Scoutmasters in the 3rd Hove Scout Group, which they had joined as Wolf Cubs at the age of 9. They had already persuaded the dubious elderly male members of the Aldrington band that their sister Mary might be allowed to learn to ring. Her success — she rang her first peal in 1953 and her first as conductor less than a year later — opened the door for others and Guides as well as Scouts were prominent among the ringers recruited by Harry and his brother. During their eight year joint captaincy of the band at Aldrington, 29 ringers were taught to handle a bell, 155 quarter peals were rung, 34 ringers rang their first quarter, nine rang their first quarter as conductor and 11 rang their first peal.

On 2nd August 1958 Harry married Joan (on the same day that Stan married Rosemary) and the happy couples moved to Hurstpierpoint as next door neighbours. Hary and Stan became joint captains at Hurst the following January and repeated the success story they had worked at Aldrington, laying the foundations for the fine Hurst band of the 1970s and early 80s. From 1960 to 1963 they were also joint tower captains at Bolney, recruiting and training a completely new band of ringers and being instrumental in getting the bells rehung. Harry and Stan stood down as captains at Hurst in 1969 but both later returned to office as sole captain, in Harry's case from 1975-77. His personal quarter peal total of 624 included 132 at Aldrington and 411 at Hurst, among the latter Bristol and London with all local bands, in 1973 and 1978 respectively. Of the 162 quarters Harry conducted, 85 had a 'first quarter peal' ringer in the band and there were many lesser 'firsts' as well. Altogether Harry and Stan taught nearly a hundred people to ring. As Harry himself observed "The part of our ringing career that we have enjoyed most is the recruitment of ringers and training them in the early stages of their ringing". They also taught many people tune ringing on handbells. Among hundreds of handbell engagements over the years, a regular function in the 1960s was the annual carol service at Telephone House in Brighton.

With the band at Hurst firmly established and in good hands, Harry and Stan had a little time to further their own ringing development and rang in many of the monthly peals arranged by Peter Hurcombe. Over 30 of Harry's total of 57 were rung in the 1970s. Among these he rated his pinnacle of achievement 4-Spliced all the work Surprise Major (Rutland, Cambridge, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire) at Christ Church, Eastbourne on 5th May 1973. He would recall in later years that it was the only peal where he ever beat Peter Hurcombe into the pub afterwards!

Harry, and Stan too, were elected members of the Sussex County Association of Change Ringers in 1947 . They served the association in a variety of offices and were made Honorary Life Members in 1989. They were elected also to membership of the Society of Royal Cumberland Youths, the Guildford Diocesan Guild, the Bedfordshire Association and the Guild of Post and Telecom Ringers — of which last they were founder members. Many of their pupils in turn went on to serve as officers in the Sussex County Association, including Jonathan Franklin, the present Master, while Harry's eldest son Andrew is currently Captain at St. Martin in the Fields in London.

When one thinks of Harry and his brother one remembers their warmth, their charm and enthusiasm, their encouragement and their wise counsel, the enjoyment of being part of a team with them and the pleasure they took in the achievements of others, particularly those they had taught. One remembers also ideals that today sometimes seem largely forgotten — like duty, commitment and service. These qualities too were an essential part of their success as captains, exemplified by themselves and expected of their ringers — this writer well remembers the disfavour accorded his request to skip ringing practice one evening in order to go skating on a local pond with fellow members of the church youth fellowship! Like all captains, they lost ringers they had trained but their successes were many and throughout the length and breadth of the Exercise are ringers able to say with gratitude and affection that they were taught by 'The Browns'.

There was of course much more to Harry than bell ringing and scouting. There was Harry the engineer — for on their return home after the war he and Stan had resumed their careers with Post Office Telephones, now British Telecom, rising in time to Executive Engineer rank and, ultimately, senior positions in London, where Harry's office overlooked St Paul's Cathedral. Then there was Harry the devout Christian, living his happy faith in the Lord by example throughout his life and as churchwarden, lay assistant at Holy Communion, founder member, with Stan, of the Mid Sussex Victim Support Scheme and driving force behind the planning and fundraising for the new Scout HQ in Hurst. In a fitting tribute to the contribution made by Harry and his twin brother to the local community, the road opposite the Scout Headquarters was named Brown Twins Road. Not least there was Harry the family man, devoted to his wife Joan, their children Andrew, Stuart and Duncan and their grandchildren Barney, Oliver and Leo. Sadly, Joan died in 2006 and Harry himself suffered increasingly from Alzheimer's. His lifelong habit of note-taking enabled him to cope well for a long time with increasing memory loss and although eventually the Harry we all knew and loved had largely disappeared he retained his warmth towards others almost to the end.

Harry died peacefully in his sleep on 18th January. His funeral took place at Holy Trinity Church, Hurstpierpoint on Thursday, 29th January. Among the 300 strong congregation were a former President of the Central Council, the current General Secretary, the Master of the Sussex Association, the General Secretary, the Peal Secretary, the Restoration Fund Secretary, five former masters and a good number of those taught to ring by Harry and his brother. It was an uplifting service of thanksgiving and Christian hope, proclaimed to the world at large by the ringing of the bells both before and afterwards.

John Norris

Tony Humphrey 1932 - 2015


Tony Humphrey was born at Brighton in 1932; the family home was in Brigden Street and living next door was one of the ringers at St Nicholas’ church in the town. When the ban on ringing imposed during World War Two was lifted in 1943 Tony was taught to ring at St Nicholas by Frank Bennett, a nationally well known ringer and leader of the St Nicholas’ ringers. At this time there were still two separate bands in Brighton.

Progress must have been rapid as in early 1945 Tony rang his first peal, Plain Bob Major, at his home tower conducted by Frank. The band also included many other well known ringers from St Peter’s Brighton. More peals followed over the next few years including Stedman Caters, in fact Tony rang nine peals up until 1947. Evidently in his early ringing days friendly rivalry between Tony and Stella Wickens (now Knight) with their respective mentors pushing them on as they were the only young ringers in the area.

Tony completed his National Service in the RAF with various overseas postings. Returning to Brighton he trained as an engineering draughtsman and was employed by the firm of Allen West & Co. He then moved to a firm of consulting engineers, Preece, Cardew & Rider. His drawings were known to always be of the highest standard and it was said that if you used plans drawn by Tony they would always be exactly correct. In his later working life the firm merged with Ewbank & Partners to become Ewbank Preece.

In 1959 Tony married Angela Minton, sister of another ringer at St Nicholas' church, and in 1961 they moved to Hurstpierpoint This brought Tony into contact with the Brown twins and he became a stalwart member of the local band. Whilst a member of the band at Hurstpierpoint he held various offices over the years. As could be imagined his ringing was of a very high standard, reliable in methods and a good striker.

As with every tower there were highs and lows at Hurstpierpoint but when Peter Hurcombe moved to the village the band was definitely on the up. At practice nights Surprise Major was already on the menu but the repertoire increased and Tony was an integral member. One other thing that started at this time was going to the pub after ringing; Tony especially enjoyed this, having a chat over a pint of Harveys which was his favourite tipple. Through Peter Hurcombe’s influence Tony joined the Ancient Society of College Youths.

Aside from family, work, and ringing Tony had other interests; he played the piano and his musical skill found another outlet when he joined the Chanctonbury Morris Men which allowed his skill as an accordion player to find full expression. He kept bees until he discovered he was allergic to their sting, and at one time he had two allotments. For a number of years he and Angela ran the church Sunday School, they were both regular in attending Holy Trinity church.

In later years ill health prevented Tony from continuing with his ringing; this, however left more time for him to spend playing bowls. He did retain an interest in what was happening with ringing not only at Hurstpierpoint but in the wider area. Following a short spell in Hospital Tony sadly passed away on 3 July 2015.

His funeral service was well attended by family and friends reflecting all of his interests. All were encouraged to join Angela and family afterwards at The Sportsman in Goddards Green to enjoy a last pint of Harveys with Tony.

Angela wishes to thank everybody who helped her at a difficult time, with a special thank you to the ringers who rang the quarter peal at Hurstpierpoint in memory of Tony on the day of the funeral.

David Kirkcaldy
(reprinted from Soundbow, Autumn 2015)

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